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Diagnostic Equipment
Railway Street Garage have been, and continue to use, the same professional Vauxhall Tech2 and GDS / MDI diagnostic equipment as main dealers to diagnose faults and program the cars computers. The Vauxhall Tech2 and GDS system automatically updates from the Vauxhall central server to ensure all the latest updates are available.
Diagnostics has become our key area and with more electrical and computer controlled items being fitted to cars we are seeing an increasing number of faults occurring.
Fault-finding and rectification requires expensive dedicated test equipment and well trained technicians of which we have both. This places us in a strong position to provide "Diagnostic Services" to the general public and trade alike.
We have the experience and capabilities to fault find Vauxhalls' electrical systems to component level. We are able to supply, fit and program new and sometimes used Vauxhall electronic control modules and ECU'S. There are many electronic modules fitted to a Vauxhall, where possible we can fault find and repair.
Common Faults:
Water damaged ECU'S
Corrupted control modules
Instrument cluster faults
CIM Module
Twin top faults
Shorted/damaged modules
Airbag lights
Battery Drains
Immobiliser faults
ABS mechanical/electronic faults
Misfire on petrol and diesel engines
Our range of electrical services
Starter Motor
Speed limiter removal
Wiring Looms
Electric Windows
Batteries fault
Coil Packs
Fuse boxes
ECU replacement
Alarm faults
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